Altered Beast is an old classic and my first game that I got with the Sega MegaDrive. It's got some clunky controls and only consists of a few levels, but the graphics and monster are still kind of interesting. When looking for the soundtrack I noticed that the game has been released on a lot of different platforms like the Amiga and Commodore 64, but I'l using the soundtrack of the MegaDrive version for this review.
The OST isn't very appealing sound-wise, but there are some nice melodies and compositions to be found. The highlighted track that I chose for the video builds up with a slow and dramatic intro and then switches nicely to something faster-paced when the drums kick in.
Also the 'transformation' song has some cool quick synths solos going on around the 1 minute mark, which in the game you'll probably never hear (the levels are pretty short).
The 'Closed in Upon Me' song is very dark and could be a good starting point for some metal cover.
Speaking of metal covers, a quick Youtube search turns up exactely the kind of metal/doom covers I was expecting, and are definitely worth checking out:
Altered Beast - Rise From Your Grave 2014 (GuitarDreamer)
Altered Beast - Rise From Your Grave (doom metal arrangement)